- For use on elbows, knees, ankles or lower legs
- Reusable, lightweight, non-fraying bandage provides tension, firm support and compression to encourage proper healing of injuries.
- Additional uses include: post-cast support; dressing retention; control of swelling; and prevention of scuffs and bruising
- Constructed of 50% polyester / 30% acrylic / 20% rubber
- Complete with metal affixing clips
- Individually wrapped
- Roll is 4.5 m (5 yds) in length when stretched
How to Use:
Compression can help soothe and heal many injuries including sprained or strained ligaments and tendons. Compression is to wrap an injured area of the body that provides gentle pressure to the injured joints and soft tissue in place while it heals. The gentle compression also reduces swelling. Essentially, compression best addresses soft tissue injuries by following the "RICE" method
- R - Rest: be sure to rest the area to prevent further injury
- I - Ice: apply an ice pack for no more than 20 minutes at the time of the injury and repeat every 3-4 hours for 48 hours
- C - Compression: elastic compression will stabilize the injured area, reduce swelling, and promote healing. Be sure not to wrap the bandage so tight that the area loses blood flow.
- E - Elevation: elevating the injury, preferably above the heart will help reduce the swelling.